In Denmark, we offer osteopaths this Post Academic Module (PAM) in the beautiful city of Copenhagen.
Many women have symptoms such as incontinence, postnatal discomfort, pain during intercourse, prolapsus of bladder, endometriosis, uterus or colon, adhesions (scar tissue), pudendal nerve syndrome, tailbone symptoms, vaginal dysbiosis, pelvic inflammations, subfertility, pelvic floor pain, post surgery sequels etc.
As a professional osteopath, Colette Peeters developed a special interest in treating these complaints osteopathically. A gynaecologic internal osteopathic treatment can provide remarkable improvement in these symptoms. After 23 years of experience in the niche gynaecology, endometriosis, infertility, andrology, coccygodynia and CPPS, Colette did uncountable internal vaginal and rectal examinations and treatments.
On a monthly basis, Colette assists in surgery observing gynaecological surgical procedures and IVF procedures in order to keep the knowledge up-to-date and to close the gap between curative and functional medicine. She made a podcast together with dr Decleer (specialized in endoscopic surgery , infertility and endometriosis) about endometriosis. Colette had interviews published in the journal DE MORGEN and KNACK, about endometriosis and gynaecological problems under the radar.
Colette is a well-established name in the IAO teachers’ team. In 2019, Every year, she and Dr. Nicole Petrovits – infertility expert in Vienna – are lecturing together a very interesting and dynamic course explaining infertility, artificial reproductive techniques (ART) and the osteopathic management. It’s time to spread all this knowledge in a both theoretical and practical post academic course.
IAO’S Experienced teachers
MSc. Ost.
Senior teacher
Course Director Department of gynaecology
University College Copenhagen
Sigurdsgade 26
2200 Copenhagen
Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 12.30 p.m.
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