Osteopaths can help with many complaints.
In infants:
Reflux problems, sleep disorders, crying spells, strabismus, skull deformations, lifelessness, restlessness, swallowing disorders, food intolerance, …
In children:
Postural abnormalities, dyslexia, hyperkinesis, headache, balance problems, breathing difficulties (sinusitis, nasal drip, asthma), asymmetrical crawling, strabismus, lazy eye, delayed speech development, dental problems, motor deficiency, sleep disturbances, KISS syndrome, abdominal discomfort, Minimal Brain Damage (MBD), …
In adults:
Complaints and movement restrictions in the whole body including the jaw joints, various forms of headaches, sinusitis, facial pains, ringing in the ears, swallowing disorders, stress incontinence, menstrual pains, postnatal complaints, breathing problems, stomach complaints, nausea, reflux, burning feeling, chronic fatigue, stress, residual complaints after operations, palpitations, intestinal complaints, …
With athletes:
sports injuries (acute, chronic, recurrent, prevention), optimization of training schedules, nutritional advice.
In the countries where the IAO offers its training and education, its graduates can become members of the leading professional associations and registers for osteopaths. The board of these organizations guarantees the quality of its members by requiring them to undergo continuous training.
Belgium – Beroepsvereniging van de Belgische Osteopaten BVBO.
Denmark – Danske Osteopater – DO.
Germany – Verband für wissenschaftliche Osteopathen Deutschlands e.V. – VWOD.
France– Tal van beroepsverenigingen die alle hun eigen criteria hebben.
United Kingdom – The General Osteopathic Council – GOsC.
The Netherlands – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Osteopathie – NVO, Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie – NOF, Register voor Osteopathie – NRO.
Austria – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Osteopathie – ÖGO.
Switzerland – Vereinigung akademischer Osteopathen/ innen Schweiz –VaOS.
In all other European countries, our graduates can also become members of the leading professional associations.

The IAO curriculum has a modular structure. This means that each module is a unit in which an entire body region is treated.
After every 3-day module, you are therefore ready to apply the material seen in practice in a safe manner.
It is not a specific date, but the number of enrolled new students that determines the number of free places. In recent years it was the case that all places were taken around the end of August.
Once the new academic year has started, you have until 1 November to enroll for that academic year. If you are unsure whether you are still on time, please contact us.
Sure! Students who successfully complete our Master’s degree curriculum will obtain the Master of Science in Osteopathy, awarded by Buckinghamshire New University (“BNU”), London.
This Master is accredited and in accordance with the Bologna agreements, making it a legal diploma in 45 European countries and regions.
Osteopathy is part of primary health care, as clearly prescribed by the World Health Organization.
We are therefore obliged to pursue a high academic level, on the one hand to give patients the assurance that osteopathy treatments are safe and efficient, complementary to classical medicine and on the other hand to demonstrate to other health care professionals that osteopathy and its practice are scientifically based.
If doctors, dentists, physiotherapists and other health care professions are trained at master’s level, osteopathy training must be at the same level. IAO students and graduates recognize the importance of academizing osteopathy.
In Belgium, the report of the Knowledge Center KCE (Ministry of Health) refers to two academic courses: ULB and IAO. It is only the IAO training that also follows the WHO Benchmarks for Training in Osteopathy and thereby respects the osteopathic principles.
Whoever graduates at the IAO can become a member of the leading professional associations in all European countries. Membership often means that the osteopathy treatments are reimbursed by the health insurers.

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